Wednesday, August 12, 2009

school and what not

soo yeah like i said i started school on the 10th, and the first day was the absoloute worst day EVER!! and the second was better, but the third was better than that. i love all of my teachers especially my german teacher because she talks in german pretty much the whole time ( i totally love it.) and im slowly making new friends along with old ones... and when you get me and amanda and ryan together in orchestra, you better not expect the class to be quiet!! and my new email adress is (hahahahahaha). so hopefully you leave a comment on my boring blog, but yeah things are getting a little better each day!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

high school! yikes!

so i officially start high school next monday (the 10th) and i am a very scared freshman. i mean im super scared about getting lost and mean people and not having my friends in any of my classes. im getting registered today and im very nervous for the first day because thats the worst day of the whole school year. actually the whole first week is the worst part of the school year, but the freshmen get the school to themselves the first week so that should make it at least a little easier... well wish me luck, i will blog about my first day on the 10th!