Monday, June 23, 2008


hey, im leaving for idaho today... im not allowed to get on the computer over there, so i wont be posting for about 2weeks. But im excited! i will also miss my house and toby and friends, but im sure to have fun!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


heres that vid i told you about!! it takes FOREVER for it to get done loading!!


Sorry guys... i dont write about exciting stuff cause nothing ever happens in my life!! so maybe when something happens, youll have something to read!! ive gone to look for things to write about, if i dont come back, i must have found some kurt cobain shoes.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My mom bought a bubble blower for the nursery kids, and we decided to see what toby would do if we blew bubbles at him. he literally eats the bubbles! it is so cute!! i will try to post a video i took of it! if i can figure it out...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

हिन्दी ब्लॉग

हेल्लो माय नेम इस मकैला एंड इ ऍम त्युपिंग इन हिन्दी, व्हिच इस सो अवेसोमे! हाहा चेचक आउट माय प्लाय्लिस्ट सोमेतिमे, बेकाउसे आईटी इस अवेसोमे!!

so fun!!

on tuesday, i got to see my friends from my old school and sign yearbooks with them and see my teachers and stuff... it was sooo fun!! most of them didnt know i was coming, so they were super duper excited and surprised!! i realized just how many friends i have!! ant thats a lot!

( the pic has nothing to do with this, i just love homestar runner!)

Sunday, June 1, 2008


sorry i havent been on for so long, my dad went to st. louis and he had to take the computer with him!! some movies you have GOT to see are: juno, lars and the real girl... and if anyone wants to see dont mess with the zohan, IM IN!